Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fairview Student Ministry Update - 10.16.19

Fairview Student Ministry Update - 10.16.19

I have a few important announcements for tonight and this weekend.  We had an amazing time at our Fall Retreat in Myrtle Beach this past weekend!  I always pray that these events have a spiritual impact on our students well past the end of the weekend!  

Baby Shower and Adoption Night - tonight!!
We are excited to have a baby shower for Elliott and Sara Farrell tonight.  We would love to bless them with diapers and wipes tonight.  Bring them wrapped or unwrapped - doesn't matter! 

We are also excited to collect a gift for Kim and Aaron Ogburn's adoption fund tonight.  We have 2 matching gifts of $500.  So, when you give $1, that will turn in to $3, up to $500.  If we bring $500 tonight, that will turn into a $1500 gift for the Ogburns!!!  This will be a big help in getting them towards their goal of $80,000.  

Middle School Boys Orienteering - canceled
We are going to cancel our middle school boys orienteering event on Sunday.  We've had a busy few weeks and we also have a special leadership event Sunday night, so we don't want to overschedule everyone!

Leadership Training - Sunday, October 20 - 5:30pm
We are excited to have our quarterly leadership event this Sunday evening.  Jared C. Wilson will be teaching us what it means to be a gospel-driven church.  This event will be beneficial for leaders, parents, students - everyone!  Sign up here:

Have a great day!  See you tonight! 

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