Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fairview Student Ministry Update - 10.16.19

Fairview Student Ministry Update - 10.16.19

I have a few important announcements for tonight and this weekend.  We had an amazing time at our Fall Retreat in Myrtle Beach this past weekend!  I always pray that these events have a spiritual impact on our students well past the end of the weekend!  

Baby Shower and Adoption Night - tonight!!
We are excited to have a baby shower for Elliott and Sara Farrell tonight.  We would love to bless them with diapers and wipes tonight.  Bring them wrapped or unwrapped - doesn't matter! 

We are also excited to collect a gift for Kim and Aaron Ogburn's adoption fund tonight.  We have 2 matching gifts of $500.  So, when you give $1, that will turn in to $3, up to $500.  If we bring $500 tonight, that will turn into a $1500 gift for the Ogburns!!!  This will be a big help in getting them towards their goal of $80,000.  

Middle School Boys Orienteering - canceled
We are going to cancel our middle school boys orienteering event on Sunday.  We've had a busy few weeks and we also have a special leadership event Sunday night, so we don't want to overschedule everyone!

Leadership Training - Sunday, October 20 - 5:30pm
We are excited to have our quarterly leadership event this Sunday evening.  Jared C. Wilson will be teaching us what it means to be a gospel-driven church.  This event will be beneficial for leaders, parents, students - everyone!  Sign up here:

Have a great day!  See you tonight! 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fall Retreat Friday Updates

Today is the day!!  Here are some last-minute reminders/changes for this evening.  

1.  Be there at 3:30 today (or as close as possible) and we will plan on leaving at 4:00

2.  Bring money for 3 meals.  For Saturday dinner, we are eating at a restaurant that will cost $11 (bring exact change if possible).  This restaurant also has some arcade type games available, so if your student would like to enjoy that, bring some extra money.  The other 2 meals will be fast-food on the trip to and from Myrtle Beach.

3.  Bring a completed medical release form today when you drop off your student today (if you haven't already).  This is required for us to stay at Myrtle Beach Christian Retreat Center.  If you still haven't filled it out, I've attached it here for you.  

4.  We aim to return to Fairview at 4pm on Sunday, but we will post updates on the Fairview Student Ministry page on Facebook.  We are chartering a bus, so there's a chance that we will make better time than expected.  

Last thing - please pray for a great weekend for the whole team.  Our goal is that it's a lot of fun, great memories are created, and we enjoy being together.  But, more than anything, our prayer is for the salvation of our students who are not yet believers, and for all of us to be challenged to Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples.  

Two other updates I wanted to share with you as I've gotten a few questions this morning.  

1. Payment - If you haven't paid yet, please bring your payment today when you drop off your child.  Please know that we've already paid Myrtle Beach Christian Retreat Center, so even if someone backs out of the trip, we are still obligated to pay for that spot.  

2.  Fishing - If you are interested in fishing, you are welcome to bring a fishing pole and tackle box.  There will be plenty of storage on the bus for these items.  But, it is important that your student keep track of their pole and tackle box while on the retreat.

Thanks!  Looking forward to a great weekend!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Fall Retreat 2019 Information

Fairview Student Ministry Fall Retreat
Important Information to know

-       Friday, October 11 – Arrive at Fairview at 3:30 (we will depart at 4pm)
-       Sunday, October 13 – Return to Fairview at 4:00pm

Questions throughout the weekend?  Here’s Josh’s contact info:
-       919.650.8439

Packing List

Items you need to bring:
-        $30 -$50 – to cover 3 meals (Friday Dinner, Saturday Dinner, Sunday Lunch)
-        Linens for bed (sheets, sleeping bag, pillow, etc.)
-        Towels, washcloth
-        Bible and journal – this one is important!!! 😊
-        Clothes
-        Snacks
-        Deodorant, toiletries!!!
-        Tennis shoes, flip-flops
-        Swimsuit – modest – for questions about girls suits – contact Tracy Benfield or Deidre Furst
-        Hoodie or Light Jacket – might be cool in the evenings!
-        Any necessary medicine (needs to be separate and given to Deidre Furst or Josh)

Items you might want to bring:
-        Board games, cards, etc.
-        Football, frisbee, sports stuff
-        Fishing pole – we will have the chance to fish from the surf if students would like

Items to NOT bring:
-        Weapons, knives, etc.
-        Fireworks
-        Portable video games

What about phones?
-        I would prefer that phones not be brought
-        But, if they are brought, they should not be a distraction and should only be used for taking pictures

Friday, October 11
8:00pm – Arrive at MBCR
9:00-10:30pm – Worship Gathering 1 - break into teams, team challenges
10:30-11:15pm – Hang out time
11:15pm – In rooms
11:30pm – Lights out

Saturday, October 12
8:00am - Breakfast
8:30am – Quiet Time
9:00am – Worship Gathering 2
10:30am – Team Challenges
11:00am – Games/Hang out Time
12:00pm – Lunch
1:00pm-4:00pm – Beach/Team Challenge
5:00pm – Dinner
8:00pm – Worship Gathering 3
11:30pm – Lights out

Sunday, October 13
8:00am – Breakfast
8:30am – Pack the bus
9:00am – Worship Gathering 4
11:00am – Depart MBCR
Noon – Lunch on the road
4:00pm – Arrive at Fairview

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Student Ministry Update - October 2, 2019

I hope you're enjoying the sweltering fall weather!  There's nothing like a crisp 96 degree October day!  We have a lot happening in October, so check out the calendar below.  Also, please check out two special announcements below about the Farrell's Baby Shower and the Ogburn's Adoption.

Farrell's Baby Shower & Ogburn Adoption Night: Postponed to October 16, 2019!
We are excited to celebrate God's gift of children for both Elliott and Sara Farrell as well as Kim and Aaron Ogburn.  These are 2 great opportunities to give:

The Ogburns Adopt - We now have 2 matching gifts of $500 for giving to Kim and Aaron's adoption.  So, if you give $1, that will be multiplied by 3!!!  If we can raise $500, the Ogburns will receive a gift for $1500!!!  If everyone was able to give between $10 and $20, we will meet our goal.  Please talk to your students and have them consider giving.  They can bring money any Wednesday, but our goal is to have a time of giving on Wednesday, October 16th.  

Farrell's Baby Shower - We will have a baby shower for the Farrells on Wednesday, October 16th as well.  We want to bless them with diapers (size 2 or higher) and wipes.  They don't have a preference about brand.  If you already have bought something, you can bring it any time, but we will celebrate with them on Wednesday, October 16th.  

October 2019 Student Ministry Schedule
11-13 – Fall Retreat @ Myrtle Beach
20 – Middle Schools Boys Orienteering @ Umsted
27 – High School Lunch – Furst Home
30 – Fairview Fall Festival (No Student Ministry
2, 9, 16, 23 – Wednesday Night Student Ministry – 6:30-8
6, 27 – Jr/Sr Life Group – Benfield Home